Parenting Resolutions for the New Year

Parenting Resolutions for the New Year

Usually we choose resolutions at the beginning of the New Year that will help us eat better, be more efficient, or look thinner, but this year I propose that we change our resolutions to be a little less selfish. These parenting resolutions are sure to help everybody in the family.

  1. Don’t Leave Without Them. It happens to everyone. You’re in a rush, your eyes are on your watch, you slam the door on your mini-van, back out of the driveway, and race down the road to daycare just to realise that your child is standing, bawling on the front porch. How about this year we try a little harder to take them with us?

  1. Okay, Just One More. Don’t let their puppy dog eyes get to you! You’re in charge, although sometimes that point can be a little difficult to see, so when you say television time is over be sure that you remain firm. They might not love you immediately, but they’ll get over it.

  1. Eat an Adult Meal. It can be tempting to fill your plate up with mac-and-cheese too and to not fix yourself a proper adult meal. Especially if you have a picky eater you’ll get worn down by acting like a cafeteria with 4 entrée options. Encourage your children to eat like adults, when they can, and if they can’t you have to remember to eat like an adult. You need your strength!

  1. Be a Good Example. We should be following this resolution all the time, but sometimes we have to remind ourselves of our parental obligations. Children are constantly learning through observations of our actions and they model us as they experiment with the aging process. Be certain that you are a role model for respect, kindness, honesty, and positive emotions. Your children are watching and they mimic bad behaviours so be certain that the way you act matches how you want your children to behave.

McCready, A. (2020). 6 Parenting resolutions you can keep in 2020. Retrieved from


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