šŸ‘¶Up Up 'n' Away is having a baby!

šŸ‘¶Up Up 'n' Away is having a baby!

Hey there, wonderful parents and parents to be!

Weā€™re so pumpedĀ to share someĀ excitingĀ news from our team. One of our very own, Alazhay - is on an incredible pregnancy journey to motherhood, and we thought thereā€™s no better way to celebrate than to share her experiences with all of you. After all, weā€™re all about sharing the hi's and low's along with the tips and tricks!

Pregnant lady
Alazhay is currently 26 weeks and it has been so exciting for us to be on the journey with her. From scans, to sickness - weā€™ve witnessed it all. The bump is growing, the nausea has finally gone and other than feeling a bit tired - she is the same Alazhay weā€™ve always had. Who else thinks pregnancy stories are the best?

We thought it would be fun to capture her excitement and insights so far (and we all had a few laughs along the way). Whether you're reminiscing about your own journey or eagerly awaiting your little oneā€™s arrival, we hope this blog brings a smile to your face and the warm fuzzies to your heart.

So grab a cuppa, get comfy, and join us as we dive into this beautiful adventureĀ šŸ”½

Q: So Alazhay, what's the most surprising thing you've experienced during pregnancy?Ā 

A: Not sure if this counts but the people that have just popped out of the woodwork to congratulate my partner and I, and all want to know whatā€™s going on and arrange catch ups etc. On the other end of the scale - some close friends havenā€™t even reached out to us which is definitely surprising, but not something I dwell on. I would say the reactions (or non reactions lol) would have to be the most surprising thing Iā€™ve experienced so far - being expectant parents is fun!

Q: Have you had any unexpected cravings orĀ go-to pregnancy comfort food?

A: Iā€™ve been craving red meat which is interesting as Iā€™m not usually a big fan of it. IĀ mainly eat chicken but I have definitely been craving steak lately.Ā Sandwiches are my absolute favourite thing ever at the moment with a side of potato chips - that is my go to comfort foodĀ šŸ„Ŗ

Lady eating sandwich

Q: How has your daily routine changed since becoming pregnant?

A: Pre-pregnancy, in the morning I would be up, have eaten, showered, dressed, skin routine all down pat within the hour, and now I just canā€™t seem to function šŸ˜† I'll skip out on my face routine (and breakfast sometimes) and still need to rush so that I get out the door on time šŸ™ˆ

Q: Do you have a favourite pregnancy myth or old wives' tale?

A: My favourite pregnancy old wivesā€™ tale would be the way you carry the bump. i.e if it's low and pear-shaped, itā€™s a girl and carrying high and round - itā€™s a boy. Also they say if youā€™re experiencing morning sickness, itā€™s a girl, and if not, then itā€™s probably a boy. Iā€™m having a girl - my bump is low and pear shaped and I had awful morning sickness so I think the old wives were right!!

Pregnant lady

Q: What's the best part about being pregnant that you didn't expect?

A: To be honest, I still havenā€™t taken it all in - but the best part for me is just the initial comfort of knowing you're making a life. It actually grosses me out sometimes, but knowing I am creating a life really is the best part.Ā 

Q: What's one thing you miss the most from pre-pregnancy life?

A: Truthfully, that would have to be my body. So many people have said being young, my body will bounce back - but that isnā€™t always the case. Having such a huge difference in my body is scary but I will always love the skin I am in (and Iā€™m making a human).

Q: What's the most memorable moment of your pregnancy journey so far?

A: The first time seeing the baby and hearing the heartbeat is the most memorable moment of my journey - it just reminds me the growth from the beginning to now is huge.

Pregnancy scan

Q: Have you started nesting yet?

A: Kodie and I have started in the babies' room - we wanted to do it really early. We still have quite a bit to do, but it's something we do together when we have the time.Ā  Itā€™s exciting to wonder what our parenthood journey will look like.Ā 

Q: What's one piece of advice you would give to someone just finding out they're pregnant?

A: Take it easy, meals are important, keep your fluids up. Take each day as It comes, enjoy every little moment and trust your body , youā€™ve got this and lastly congratulations.

Lady drinking water

We hope you enjoyed this little Q & A with Alazhay - maybe you found some similarities with your own journey.Ā 

Head over to our instagram account @upup_n_away_au to follow Alazhay's journey orĀ read our Growing With Alazhay Week by Week blogs here.

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