Things to Do with your Kids these Holidays

Things to Do with your Kids these Holidays

We thought it would be useful to list some ways to have fun these upcoming holidays with your kids without spending a lot of money. Here is a list of ideas that we came up with for you and your little ones to enjoy these school holidays.

  • Visit a park - not just any park, find a park that you haven’t been to before.
  • Go Ice Skating - Ice Skating is something not many Aussie kids get the chance to do – but if it is stinking hot – what is better than having fun in a freezer! There are loads of ice rinks around the country!
  • Hold a Cup-Stacking Contest - No doubt being the boys’ favourite, but the girls can get into the fun too! Hop onto Youtube to see some amazing cup stacking videos!
  • Have a Family Game of Mini Golf - Mini golf is a terrific whole family activity that is beloved of people of all ages! Google the nearest location to you!
  • Go Swimming at a Local Pool - check out your local pool. It’s cheap to get in. All kids love swimming and there is always a nice shady spot for Mum to sit and read whilst Dad watches the kids!
  • Bake something - Chocolate cake is always a winner. They will love getting their little fingers dirty and especially the licking of the bowl afterwards. Yum!
  • Visit a Theme Park - Australia has loads of theme parks now and there is more and more every day in every state!
  • Visit the Zoo - No matter how old you are, the zoo is a family outing that really creates memories forever! And here in Australia, we have some of the very best zoo’s in the entire world.
  • Make a Box Village - Don´t throw those used milk and juice cartons and cereal boxes in the rubbish bin! If they are still in good shape, then have fun with kids by building a city out of boxes. Even better – if you get loads of online deliveries in boxes over Christmas – keep them and make a cardboard box city!
  • Take the Kids Horse Riding - Horse riding is something all kids should try at one stage or another. There are plenty of places around Australia – and there is even a fantastic two-day overnight horse riding camp available! Rainbow Beach Horse Riding has a few different amazing horse rides in parts of the most beautiful part of the world!
  • Check Out a New Mountain Bike Track - There is an app called Trail Forks that tells you where all the Mountain Bike Tracks are in Australia! Find a new one and give it a go!
  • Go on the High Ropes - High Ropes are a fun and safe way for the family to be dare-devils (without having to worry about them). Even if you are scared of heights, High Ropes are a fun way to explore the tops of the forest!


Now you have some ideas of what you can do these holidays with your little one, go have fun and enjoy your time with them.

“When you look at your life, the greatest happiness’s are family happiness.” ~ Joyce Brothers



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